Fire Detection Systems

Fire Detection Systems

Detection systems are an investment for businesses, to protect lives and property in event of a fire. Whatever the size and complexity of a fire alarm system, whether it is networked or a simple stand alone system, for small, large, single or multiple sites, we have the necessary expertise to help you build a system to meet your precise requirements.
Fires can happen at any time and all too often the result is of total destruction. Hence it is important to have an efficient detection system that can operate effectively in an emergency situation. Today, the responsibility for ensuring the correct installation and maintenance of such systems lies with each individual organisation who must ensure that all relevant British and European regulations are adhered to.
With our in-depth experience in this field and in co-operation with our partners and associates, we are able to provide a full service ranging from design and survey to installation and support.
Analogue Addressable Systems
Aspirating Smoke Detection

Conventional Systems
Voice Evacuation